Friday, November 20, 2015

Consonant- Vowel- Consonant Monster!!

We had so much fun this week. We got to watercolor paint our pots that we made last week. They turned out so great! Here are a few examples.

We have also been going over a vowel everyday. We learned about what CVC words are and made a CVC monster. We made a silly cvcvc name for our monster and then got to writing our story. We learned about the different parts of a story: characters, setting, problem and solution. As a class we worked together to write a fantastic story. It was so fun to hear their ideas and to see the excitement as we put it all down on paper. After we were the authors and wrote the story, we got to be the illustrators too! I gave each student a different part of the story to draw. I'm excited to put it altogether so we can read our book! They will each get a chance to take it home to share it with their family. 
I kinda slacked on pictures this week. I promise I'll get better. We just get so into the lesson and what we are doing that I forget. So here is the afternoon class being fantastic illustrators. Sorry morning class, I'll get you next week. 

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