Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This week we finished up going over all of our vowels. So today, we had a vowel party! Each table got a different letter and they worked together to draw pictures of things that start with that letter. After we were done, they got to present their letter to the class. 

Morning class:

Afternoon Class 

We also celebrated Thanksgiving by playing "Roll a Turkey." We rolled dice and counted up the numbers to help us put together our cute turkey treat. 

Morning class:

Afternoon class

Jesse's mom brought a super cute cookie plate to share as their holiday tradition. I should have taken a picture of it before we ate them. Since it is a giving plate and she kindly gave them to our class, we are going to keep on giving. I am going to fill the plate back up and give it to someone over the break. I'll post pictures to let you know where it goes. Such a fun and sweet idea! 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Consonant- Vowel- Consonant Monster!!

We had so much fun this week. We got to watercolor paint our pots that we made last week. They turned out so great! Here are a few examples.

We have also been going over a vowel everyday. We learned about what CVC words are and made a CVC monster. We made a silly cvcvc name for our monster and then got to writing our story. We learned about the different parts of a story: characters, setting, problem and solution. As a class we worked together to write a fantastic story. It was so fun to hear their ideas and to see the excitement as we put it all down on paper. After we were the authors and wrote the story, we got to be the illustrators too! I gave each student a different part of the story to draw. I'm excited to put it altogether so we can read our book! They will each get a chance to take it home to share it with their family. 
I kinda slacked on pictures this week. I promise I'll get better. We just get so into the lesson and what we are doing that I forget. So here is the afternoon class being fantastic illustrators. Sorry morning class, I'll get you next week. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

What we have been up to this week.

We are learning lots about Thanksgiving and having gratitude. Today, we wrote a letter to someone in our class. We also learned about how Native Americans used symbols to write stories instead of words. We wrote our own stories using symbols on pots that we will be painting next week. 
We also had a super fun surprise when Deagun's tooth fell out while we were working! We were so excited. It's his very first lost tooth and he happened to be the leader of the day too! He is also the first friend to lose one in school, so fun!!! 
This week was rough with early out everyday. We were all thrown off schedule but they did so good and have been learning so much. We love Kindergarten!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The beginning of November!

I can't believe it's already November! This year is flying by and we are learning lots in kindergarten! We have started talking about Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for. Each student got a feather and wrote something they are thankful for. Then we put them altogether to make our class turkey.

We also read the book "There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie." We talked about our favorite food at Thanksgiving and made our own old lady to eat it. It was such a fun writing activity for them to start sounding out all of the words. We are excited for our parents to come see them during conferences next week!