Thursday, October 29, 2015

PM Halloween Party!!!

We had a fun party this afternoon. We played "Don't Eat Jack", decorated treat bags and cookies and painted pumpkins. Thanks to the parents who helped make it happen. I love these kids and the fun things we do! 
Happy Halloween!!!

AM Class Halloween Party!!!

We had so much fun at our Halloween Party!!! We decorated sugar cookies, played "Don't Eat Pete", made spiders and painted and even read stories!!! Here are some fun pictures. I sure love these kids!!
Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Pumpkin Investigations!

Last week for centers, we did a pumpkin investigation activity. Each group got their own pumpkin to weigh, measure, and observe with their five senses. I will be taking pictures from this activity and making a book with them that will be the next take home book. After they investigated their pumpkin each group got to decide how they wanted to carve the pumpkin, what it's name is and what it's favorite thing to do.
Here are the finished products!

Favorite thing to do is sing "Five Little Pumpkins."

Favorite thing to do is ride The Hex at Lagoon. 

Kyla Tornado
Favorite thing to do is say the two sounds that the letter O makes.

Likes to play outside and scare people. 

Likes to play and scare people. 

Vampire Jack
Likes to scare and light up. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Vowel Bats

We had an exciting and busy week since we only had three days. We learned about bats and did some writing about them. We have learned what the vowels are and have enjoyed listening to the Vowel Bat song which went right along with the bat theme. We decorated our room with vowel bats. Each child got a bat and chose a vowel to write on it. Then they had to find that letter somewhere in the room and cover it up with their vowel bat. Our room looks very festive! We also made tissue paper pumpkins this week. We are excited for Halloween!



Also, it was Beckham's last day in the morning class on Monday. We are going to miss him! We had to take a class picture before he left.

Friday, October 9, 2015

4th Grade Buddies!

We are lucky to have two wonderful fourth grade classes that have offered to buddy up with kindergarten. Mrs. Anderson's class came and helped the morning class and Mrs. Gundry's class came in the afternoon. We had so much fun. We read the book Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews and then each table wrote their own book with their buddies. Each student was given a certain number of dots and they had to turn it into something. I love what they came up with! I seriously wish I could share them all but here are a few from each class.The morning class: 

The afternoon class:

Friday, October 2, 2015

Our Class Tree

Each class has adopted a tree that we will be observing at different times of the year to see how it changes. We will then be drawing pictures and recording what it looks like. We went out to see our class tree today and tried to take a picture with it but you can see how that went... I love their little personalities. I chose different trees for each class so that when they read the other classes book about their tree, they can compare them.

The morning class: It was raining and then the sun decided to come out right before the picture... We will get a better one next time.

The afternoon class: No sun, smiling faces!

The afternoon class was so excited that we had Ava and Braxton to help us with V and X day this week. We were glad we had one friend with that letter in their name!